I am so excited!
During my year off from work, while trying to figure out to do when I grow up, I am being allowed to build a fiber arts studio on the rental property owned by my in-laws next door to my house. It took awhile to get going,a s these things are wont to do. Then it snowed and froze here for a week (which is highly unusual) so that slowed us down, but now we are really moving along.
Step 1:
Find an empty corner in the neighbor's yard:
Try not to worry what that old slab might be covering up.
Step 2:
Spend lots of time making plans and getting a permit the with help of Architects, friends relatives, engineers, City of Eugene Workers etc.
Hire some big guys with loud cutting machines to come slice out the slab.
Be shocked that that tiny slab was like 8-10 inches thick.
Be Very Happy that it was just covering up good clean dirt.
Step 4:
Dig a Big Hole. Then immediately fill it partway back up again with gravel. Be Happy you have good contractors with big trucks and strong arms as friends!
Dig a big ditch while you're at it.
Step 5:
Build a Really Strong Box (a.k.a. a form) to hold all the concrete you plan to pour into the hole.
Step 6:
Enjoy a visit from a big truck with Spiral Stair parts. The spiral-y bit is the railing.
Step 7: