Our very good friend came to visit and we all went on a walk along Fall Creek. The Big Leaf Maples (which are very appropriately named) had just dumped all their leaves like ginormous snowflakes in the previous night's rainstorm, but they hadn't gotten all soggy and slippery yet.
The Maidenhair ferns loved the increase in fall moisture and were showing off their frills to great effect.
There isn't really all that much fall color in Oregon compared to many parts of the U.S. because we have many more conifers than deciduous trees, but those we have are putting on a nice show this year.
We don't go hiking nearly as much as we should. It's so easy to become complacent about the natural beauty of the world, but we really should take note:
Over the course of the next few days I worked on finished the applied i-cord border to the heirloom pullover (hand-spun knitted by Reida for Seth in his high-school days, but really too hot for him to ever have worn much) which I had STEEKED (cut open with scissors!) a few days earlier at my friend's house (after having watched her do a few of her prized hand-spun sweaters herself). Then I just sewed on some buttons (vintage plastic from one of Reida's mother's old coats), and...
Viola!-- I was ready to vote